Wednesday, November 29, 2006

By the Numbers

I just felt like putting together some statistics for comparison. You can draw your own conclusions.

The number killed on September 11, 2001: 2,996

The war in Iraq began in March, 2003. We are still there.

As of mid-November 2006, there were approximately 152,000 US troops deployed to Iraq.

2882 US casualties in Iraq

Current US population: 300,305,463

US citizens killed on the nation’s highways in 2005: 43,200

US citizens killed in alcohol related incidents in 2005: 16, 885

US lightning fatalities in 2005: 43

US tornado fatalities in 2005: 39

Babies born in US in 2005: approximately 4.1 million

US began fighting in WWII in August, 1945

US casualties in WWII: 292,131

US occupation of post-WWII Europe and Japan: 1945-present

US involvement in Korea from June, 1950 to July, 1953

US casualties in Korea: 33,686

US occupation of post-war Korea: 1953-present


Beans said...

Did you know that on Monday we surpassed WWII in terms of the amount of time of U.S. involvement? We spent 1,347 days involved in WWII.

JH said...

Good stuff Burnham.

How come you haven't added a link to my blog yet? This is b.s.

Anonymous said...

Dear Johnathon,

My name is Paul and I work for the BBC World Service Radio.

I found your site today - great stuff. We would love to speak to you within the next four hours - please phone us.

Are you free to come on air tonight between 6pm - 7pm GMT (London time) and talk about the Iraq Study Group's findings? Questions we're asking: Is this an admission of defeat by the US? Is talking to Iran and Syria really going to help? Is asking more of the Iraqi forces realistic? What do the US forces think of the ISG?

We're particularly looking for MilBlogger reaction. We're interested in a) personal opinions and b) what the military folks around you are saying about James Baker and Lee Hamilton's findings.

We're a live discussion programme with callers dialling in from all over the world.

I sincerely hope you can spare some time for us. If any military personell wish to join you on air then we'd love to hear from them as well.

World Have Your Say
BBC World Service
BBC World Service, Bush House, Room 316 SE, London WC2B 4PH
+44 207 557 0628 - Office
+447770820056 - Mobile

Anonymous said...

Great stuff here my man...your insights from a deployed position ae right on target.

You are def. right abt. the dems and wanting to cut and run...hogwash...Iran is right there waiting...

Never quit the fight...we WILL get the job done!

Thanks for sacrificing to protect our freedoms...

Happy Holidays!...


Kent Manno
Budd Lake, NJ

Anonymous said...

Can you profile a day handling a ton of Christmas mail? Can we see some pictures? I know you are super busy. It would be great to see what your days have been like the last couple of weeks.

Merry Christmas,

membrain said...

To all coalition troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan:


Watch your six.